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Join Us in Designing a Modern Village
Rooted in Age-Old Principles of Placemaking

-- Inspired by Historic England --

Photo: Snowshills, England






St. John's Woods will be a New, Mixed Use Walkable Community Built Amid 50 acres of Texas Old Pine Forest. 

St. John's Woods will utilize an iterative design process.  of public meetings, feedback, individual feedback, surveys an  

A Place Where Community Occurs Naturally

​​Inspired by English architecture and set within 50 acres of Texas

old pine forest, the St. Ives club will include:


  • An English country house with family focused amenities for every age

  • Offices, workshops, and study spaces

  • ​A chapel with the Blessed Sacrament within walking distance 


St John's Woods Map.jpg

Help Design St. John's Woods:
Join Us for Several Weeks of 

Over the spring of 2025, we'll design the site plan around your feedback and ideas. 
Join the waitlist for an invite to the private Kickoff Party in July. 

Located in Montgomery, Texas

St John's Woods Map.jpg

Designed in the Tradition of Historic, English Villages

Snowshill JPG-Recovered.jpg

Map of Snowshill, England (Village, Shops and Church)

Nestled amid the landscape of the English countryside lie age-old villages and hamlets. Ancient stone walls, medieval churches, sprawling estates, and cozy pubs - all hallmarks of these timeless communities. Whether meticulously planned or organically grown, these towns share a common design pattern: a church, a village and a manor, built with traditional architecture in a natural setting.


Snowshill, shown in the map above, is an English Cotswold village and an example of this design pattern.  A village of only a few hundred people, the church of St. Barnabas stands at the center, surrounded by the town, its businesses and the local pub, Snowshill Arms. A short walk up the path, Snowshill Manor and Gardens can be found, now preserved by the National Trust.


Following this tradition, St. John's Woods plans to carve out its own place in a modern fashion. A chapel, wooded village green, workshops and offices built around this spiritual center, and within a short walk, a social club for families and community.


Site Plan Inspiration


Photo: St. Barnabas Church, Snowshill


A chapel, walking distance from homes and workplaces, will provide convenient access to pray and visit the Blessed Sacrament.


Photo: Snowshill Manor

Row Homes & Cottages

A family social club will be located on a modern estate and designed in the architecture of an English country house.


Photo: Snowshill Arms (Pub)

Offices & Workshops

Offices, co-work spaces and workshops will be designed around the chapel and village green, within a short walk to nature trails and homes.

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Participate in the Design Process


Forums, Interviews & Feedback
(We need your input!)

Every element, from the site plan to the architecture and building layouts, will flow from understanding the day to day lives and needs of people in our community. This includes one on one meetings, group forums, surveys. And, of course, free food. Add your name and we can keep you posted with updates on the process.


Technical Development

Once the artistic site plan and architectural elements are ready, technical drawings will be created by local civil engineers and architects. Along with these items, a utility and storm water retention plan will be created for review and approval by the county.


Collaborative Site Map Design Process

Once your is crystalized, a walkable, mixed use site plan will be designed. Buildings, amenities, roads, walking paths and site elements will flow from this plan. Additionally, an architectural pattern book, created in the Modern English Country style, will set the standards for the materials and design of the buildings.


Start Construction

After technical drawings are ready, construction will start, including roads, utilities and the first buildings. The vision, clarified in phase 1, will determine which elements are highest priority.

Add Your Name to Paricipate in the Design process

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